Expertise: Category: Internet & e-commerce


Internet & e-commerce

Data Act: onterecht onderbelicht!


Data Act: onterecht onderbelicht!

De Data Act (Verordening (EU) 2023/2854) is met ingang van 12 september 2025 rechtstreeks van toepassing in de hele Europese Unie (EU). De Data Act is specifiek gericht op het reguleren van de toegang tot en het delen van data binnen de EU, met als doel innovatie te stimuleren en eerlijke concurrentie te waarborgen.

AVG en gerechtvaardigd belang: wat de KNLTB-zaak betekent voor uw organisatie


AVG en gerechtvaardigd belang: wat de KNLTB-zaak betekent voor uw organisatie

Recent verduidelijkte het Hof dat commerciële belangen onder voorwaarden kunnen gelden als gerechtvaardigd belang voor gegevensverwerking onder de AVG. In deze blog bespreken we de uitspraak en geven we een 5-stappenplan voor het verwerken van persoonsgegevens op grond van gerechtvaardigde belangen.

Chocolate Femke ball - nice but is it allowed just like that?


Chocolate Femke ball - nice but is it allowed just like that?

What a great performance "our" Femke Bol put down at the Olympics! It inspired pastry shop De Rouw from Vught to a playful action: a chocolate Femke-bol. The action went viral on social media like Instagram, and after the regional Omroep Brabant even made it to the national press.

Sustainability claims under the microscope


Sustainability claims under the microscope

In the area of the use of sustainability claims, there is already an extensive set of laws and regulations. Much of this comes from the European Union. The package of regulations is going to expand even further in the coming years, partly as a result of the 2019 European Green Deal. The European Green Deal [...]

Influencers (further) regulated


Influencers (further) regulated

The Advertising Code Foundation, in cooperation with the industry association DDMA and the bvA (Association of Advertisers), is introducing the "Certified by Influencer" certificate.

EU regulations make switching Cloud and edge provider easier


EU regulations make switching Cloud and edge provider easier

The European Data Regulation makes switching between Cloud and edge services easier. In this blog, we discuss the obligations for data processing service providers under the Data Regulation, and the contract terms that follow.

New branding and website!


New branding and website!

Why a new corporate identity and website? And why the visual elements?

We were looking for a fresh new style. From the start of our office in 2006, the color green has stood for our fresh outlook and refreshing approach. More explanation in this article.

Louwers IP&Tech Lawyers further strengthened


Louwers IP&Tech Lawyers further strengthened

Per February 1, 2024, Nathalie van der Zande joins Louwers IP&Tech Advocaten in Eindhoven. Nathalie has over seven years of working experience in the field of intellectual property (IP) and, in addition to being a lawyer, is also qualified as a BMM Recognized Trademark Attorney.

AdWords brand competitor: the Interflora saga continues


AdWords brand competitor: the Interflora saga continues

We have written before about the use of AdWords. Last year in Juridisch up to Date, we addressed the rules developed in case law for advertising using someone else's brand on Google. One of the important court cases on this topic was brought by Interflora in the United Kingdom. [...]

Protection of trade secrets


Protection of trade secrets

If an employee goes to work for a competitor, this can have a major impact on the former employer. This impact becomes even greater if it turns out that this former employee uses certain (secret) information and/or knowledge of his or her former employer with his or her new employer. In this article, we address this issue.