Internet & e-commerce

Conflict avoidance & resolution

Do you have a conflict with your customer, your supplier or the regulator? Are you confronted with an unlawful publication? Or do you have a dispute about your domain name?

Doing business online offers unprecedented opportunities, but it also brings challenges. Various conflicts can come your way. From domain name disputes to harmful online statements, conflicts can arise at any time.

  • A dispute over your domain name;
  • A conflict with a customer (business owner or consumer);
  • harmful statements about your company on the Internet and social media;
  • theft of content (from your website) and/or infringement of intellectual property rights;
  • your supplier is not meeting its obligations;
  • the regulator such as the Personal Data Authority or the Consumer & Market Authority threatens to sanction your organization.
We help you avoid such conflicts as much as possible by providing sharp advice on relevant laws and regulations. We assist you if an incident ends up in legal proceedings. Before that happens, we try to prevent escalation and resolve the issue out of court.

Conflict with customer

Whether you are dealing with business owners or consumers, conflicts can arise over issues such as delivery, quality or payment. We help draw up clear general terms and conditions, identify the laws and regulations applicable to you, and provide advice on how best to deal with the dissatisfied customer(s) in the specific situation.

Harmful statements on the Internet

Whether you are dealing with business owners or consumers, conflicts can arise over issues such as delivery, quality or payment. We help draw up clear general terms and conditions, identify the laws and regulations applicable to you, and provide advice on how best to deal with the dissatisfied customer(s) in the specific situation.

Theft of content and/or infringement of intellectual property rights

Not only can the content (software, interfaces, images, databases and the graphic layout) of your website and app be protected, but also the product and service you offer. This means that situations can arise where you may want to take action against parties that imitate your website or app or counterfeit your products. Conversely, third parties may also believe that you are infringing on their intellectual property rights.
Whether you want to take action against an infringer or are facing an infringement claim yourself, we offer the expertise and support you need.

Supplier Disputes

A reliable supply chain is essential. If your supplier fails to meet its obligations, we are ready to advise and, if necessary, take legal action. [link to supplier agreement advice]

Supervisory authority sanctions

Authorities such as the Personal Data Authority or the Consumer & Market Authority may write to your organization or even sanction it. We can advise you on the applicable laws and regulations to prevent such situations, but of course we can also represent you in proceedings.
