
Grow and Flourish in the Future of Today – webinar plant breeders and innovation

Webinar hosted by Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten In close cooperation with and contributions by Plantum, Wageningen University and Seven Steps to Heaven. When? Tuesday 1 December 2020 | 16:00-17:15 CET Wednesday 2 December 2020 | 16:00-17:15 CET What to expect? Update and practical insights for successful and futureproof breeding, nursing, growing and trading. No charge. Last […]

Webinar hosted by Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten

In close cooperation with and contributions by Plantum, Wageningen University and Seven Steps to Heaven.


Tuesday 1 December 2020 | 16:00-17:15 CET

Wednesday 2 December 2020 | 16:00-17:15 CET

What to expect?

Update and practical insights for successful and futureproof breeding, nursing, growing and trading.

No charge. Last minute registration open until 1 December 2020 1:30 p.m. CET


Tuesday 1 December 2020

Protection, exploitation and enforcement

  • Update on intellectual property: what is on the menu of UPOV?
    Among others protection of harvested material (Nadorcott), EDV’s, novelty of parent lines, Brexit and patentability
    Judith de Roos, Plantum
  • Exploitation: case law and practice
    Strategy, licensing and management
    Ernst-Jan Louwers, Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten
  • Civil enforcement: always a challenge
    Customs actions, plant theft, unlawful propagation and sales
    Ernst-Jan Louwers, Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Technological developments and innovation

  • Robotics, AI, AR for digital phenotyping and variety screening: a data-driven approach
    Automated phenotyping, AI, VR and AR, sampling and harvesting robots
    Rick van de Zedde, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen Plant Science Group)
  • Insights in the looming future of farming
    Indoor/vertical farming
    Gertjan Meeuws, CEO of Seven Steps To Heaven
  • Protect your innovation and data
    Available protection systems for inventions, methods and data
    Ernst-Jan Louwers, Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten


Judith de Roos is legal counsel at Dutch breeders association Plantum. She chairs the Advisory Board of Naktuinbouw’s variety testing department and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch PVP toolbox program. She is PVP expert member in the Court of Appeal in The Hague and a member of the IP Committees of ISF, Euroseeds and Dutch association VNO-NCW. She is representative of Plantum in the CPVO Administrative Council and ISF representative in the legal committee UPOV CAJ.

Judith will address hot topics like the protection of harvested material, also in the light of the Nadorcott judgement of the EU Court of Justice, EDV’s, novelty of parent lines, Brexit and patentability of results of biological processes.

Rick van de Zedde is project manager of the new phenotyping facility NPEC @ WUR and senior scientist/business developer Phenomics and Automation at the Wageningen Plant Science Group. He has worked at WUR since 2004. His background is in Artificial Intelligence with a focus on imaging and robotics.

Rick will discuss emerging technologies such as automated plant phenotyping. That offers plant scientists, breeders and growers a powerful tool to gather vast amounts of growth data to understand and optimise plant performance and productivity. He will also share insights in plant sampling and harvesting robots with phenotyping functionalities.

Gertjan Meeuws is the founder and CEO of the innovative indoor farming/vertical farming company Seven Steps To Heaven. Lianne and Gertjan Meeuws are pioneers in the field of hydroponics, assimilation lights, robotics, LED lights and indoor farming. Seven Steps To Heaven applies controlled environment solutions in breeding, propagating, and growing.

Gertjan has been a speaker about indoor farming on dozens of national and international conferences and trade missions. He will take us along in his views on the future of farming.

Ernst-Jan Louwers is an IP/tech lawyer and founder of the law firm Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten. The firm is established in Eindhoven and The Hague. He has over 34 years of experience in the legal profession. He is member to Plantum, the lawyers panel of the association for plant variety protection CIOPORA, trademark associations MARQUES and BMM and several other associations in the area of IP and technology.

On Tuesday, Ernst-Jan will speak about some recent developments in licensing, IP maintenance and enforcement as well as the issue of exhaustion of PVRs. On Wednesday, he will briefly address some legal aspects of innovation and cooperation. He will also be the host and moderator of the webinar.

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Lantrok at +31 40 2393200 ( or Ernst-Jan Louwers at +31 6 52 048154 (



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